I O . T E X T I L E . F U T U R E
Textile is the future and IONIC-SPHERE is part of this future
The „Textile Planet“ is infinitely large. Beyond fashionable clothing and modern home textiles, the areas of application of textiles are almost unlimited.Textiles as medical devices such as stents and artificial veins, which are used in specimens in the human body or processed into highly functional protective clothing, save lives every day. Textiles help us with daily hygiene and protect us from serious diseases.
In sports and leisure such as sailing or kitesurfing, textiles capture the natural energy of the wind and set us in motion to the beat of nature. Textiles are also the key to renewable energies such as wind power and hydrogen technology. Modern mobility and climate neutrality will not be achievable without optimized textiles.
Functionalized textiles used in filters protect the environment from pollutants and help us restore habitats that we already thought were lost.
Developed in Germany – Globally scaled! IONIC SPHERE works in all sectores on the future of our Planet and a better world of tomorrow.