Consulting, testing, game changing:
A I . M I C R O F A C T O R Y
AI-Microfactory driven by IONIC-SPHERE® mindset:
New Effects
New integrated technologies
Water free
Biochemistry based
AI driven
Electrified processing/CO2 Neutral
New pretreatment and application Technologies
Apart from niche areas or in the field of innovative technical textiles,
the core procedures, processes, chemistry,
machines, or technologies have not fundamentally changed in minimum
oft the last 80 years in classic textile finishing.
Today the global textile industry has a massive output but also
a massive consumption of water, massive consumption of energy and
thus resources that are not infinite. Textile production needs change.
IONIC-SPHERE® has the power to change!
Investors welcome – contact here
I O . P r o j e c t s
Laser-pulsed plasma on structured textiles
Partner-Region: Far East/Asia
Medical functionalisation of textiles next generation
Partner Region: Europe/Asia
C O M I N G U P N E X T:
I O . A R C T I C S K Y L A B
Clear Skys, three billion years old fells,
the cleanest air in the world and a ionized polarlight atmosphere.
The upcoming IONIC SPHERE® ARCTIC SKYLAB is situated in a perfect place.
Nature will teach us to perform level next!
Unique in the world advanced sustainable textile functional apparel and textile systems will be tested and developed together with our partners/costumer under toughest operating conditions in a unique nature real laboratory
I O . N E W S . H A L L . O F . F A M E
When ideas, expertise, creativity and research diligence work together, solutions anticipating a better future for the global environment and life, will grab space.
invented by
I O . C o n t a c t